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Http Status Code 301 Moved Permanently

What is HTTP Response Status Code 301 Moved Permanently?

HTTP response status code 301 Moved Permanently indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. All future requests should use the new URL provided in the Location header.

When is HTTP Response Status Code 301 Moved Permanently Used?

The 301 status code is used for permanent redirects, such as when a website changes its domain or URL structure. It helps ensure that search engines and clients update their bookmarks to the new address.

Significance of HTTP Response Status Code 301 Moved Permanently in Web Development?

The 301 status code is crucial for SEO, as it helps transfer link equity and ranking from the old URL to the new one. It also ensures that users are automatically redirected to the updated page without encountering errors.

How to Implement HTTP Response Status Code 301 Moved Permanently?

To implement a 301 status code, configure the server to respond with this code and include the new URL in the Location header for any request to the old URL.


  • When should I use a 301 status code? Use it when permanently moving a page or domain to a new URL.
  • Does a 301 redirect affect SEO? Yes, it helps transfer page rank and authority to the new URL.
  • Can a 301 redirect be reversed? Technically yes, but it can confuse search engines if used incorrectly.

Heres 2 examples


Example 1: Redirecting an Old Page to a New Page

# Client sends a GET request to the old URL of a page.
GET /old-page HTTP/1.1

# Server Response
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 12:20:00 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)

# The server informs the client that the old URL has permanently moved to a new URL.
# The client should update bookmarks and use the new URL in future requests.


Example 2: Redirecting a Domain to a New Domain

# Client sends a GET request to the old domain.
GET / HTTP/1.1

# Server Response
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 12:22:00 GMT
Server: Nginx/1.18.0

# The server instructs the client that the old domain has been permanently moved to the new domain.
# The client should update any references to the old domain and use the new one going forward.

I am the founder of SEO Leaders and have been involved in the internet and web development in one way or another for over 20 years. Since founding SEO Leaders some 6 years ago I have been heavily involved in web develepment, Digital PR and technical SEO for a wide variety of projects. I hope to enlighten you on a wide range of topics related to my chosen profession!

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