Probably the BEST
SEO Leaders is a renown UK based SEO Company that specialises in our SEO niche. We offer website design services, SEO Services, Google Ads and Ecommerce SEO. Please contact us to see how we can help grow your company.

What is an SEO Company then?
Being an entrepreneur, you are always searching for ways to market your business more effectively, right? SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is widely regarded as delivering a fantastic return on investment over time. Due to this it is a very competitive industry and unless you are a specialist search marketing company it is not something you can do effectively in house.
Here at SEO Leaders we are an SEO company that stands above the rest. We have a great pedigree and are experienced in running SEO campaigns for companies of varying sizes. We are a specialist SEO agency, so we have a great deal of knowledge in our chosen field. The areas of work we offer are all closely related (SEO Services, Web design and development, Ecommerce Services, Google Ads) and we are successful because we stay within our niche and do not offer for example branding or social media services to name but a few.
We can handle your SEO campaign from start to finish and are unique in the industry in that we offer SEO Sprint packs meaning you do not need to sign up to a contract or pay money each month. We go against the traditional SEO business model because we can effectively perform SEO work much faster than a monthly campaign allows, and why should you be paying each month when an agency may not be doing anything of use then? Our model is clear and outlines what you will get, in what timescale, when we expect results from it and then at the end a report showing all work completed.
You can see some of our reviews here to see how effective we have been helping other companies out.

How does SEO work?
Let’s talk SEO!
Good SEO services should not just be about getting more traffic to your website though; an important part of the equation is to improve the quality of the traffic and resultantly the leads generated from it. After all, if you are a steel stockholder selling steel plates and google is sending traffic that is looking for dinner plates, you may get a lot of website traffic but not much of it will convert into sales or profit. It would also be bad for key website metrics like CTR (click through rate) and bounce rate (how long a visitor stays on the page before leaving).
Even if you have the most amazing looking website, that is technically sound (from an SEO consultants perspective) , if you are not ranking on page one of google you will be getting little to no traffic. So it doesn’t matter if you run a locally focused carpet cleaning business or a national law firm; you have to be at the top of Google for relevant search terms.
The best way to do that particularly for SME’s is using SEO services from a professional SEO company. This approach is not right for all businesses, for some the costs of a professional SEO agency combined with possibly a small market for your product or service would mean it may not be the best use of your hard earned cash. You can book a free consultation call with an SEO consultant at SEO Leaders if you are unsure if our services would be best use of your cash. However if your business is scaleable or serving a competitive (or profitable) market then SEO could be a very wise investment. A good SEO campaign will keep working away in the background while you sleep; with some regular attention you could be ranking highly in Google and having more work or sales than you know what to do with (another aspect to be considered!).
SEO is a complex industry these days and anyone at the top of Google for competitive search terms has spent both time and money to get there. The reason being is because the potential profit is far greater than the investment for many businesses (and if it isn’t we always tell people).
White Hat, Grey Hat, Black Hat SEO?
What are the different types of SEO?
Black Hat SEO is basically anything that goes against Google Webmaster Guidelines or Search Quality Rater rulebook. There are varying degrees of SEO. White Hat (which is what we perform) which follows all best practices. Grey Hat, which breaks Googles rules but less seriously than Black Hat SEO. Some examples of black hat SEO would be cloaking, doorway pages, duplicate (or copied) content, spamm comments, keyword spamming, invisible text,
Here at SEO Leaders we only use white hat SEO and we would strongly advise you avoid anyone promising ‘fast or cheap’ Google rankings, because using a bad SEO company is worse than using No SEO company! If they get your website de indexed from Google or Penalised, it can be exceptionally difficult and in some cases impossible to recover your site or online brand reputation (as far as Google goes). And let’s face it, Google IS search marketing so even if you can still rank in Bing, Duckduckgo or others, this is not a healthy business strategy as they have a tiny amount of web traffic when compared to Google.
The best SEO agencies will use techniques that will organically and legitimately improve your search engine rankings in a sustainable manner.

Ready to increase brand engagement and drive demand for your services? Speak with a Brain about our content marketing agency services today.
Why Choose SEO Leaders?
If you are seeking an SME SEO company then SEO Leaders stands out from the crowd. We do not deal in black hat SEO and all of our SEO packages are white hat and work within Google guidelines.
We build our strategies around key foundations that we know work and we use our efficient procedures and processes to make sure we get as much work out of your SEO package as possible.